About Us
Quality Education is Children’s right. Not only at elementary level, even beyond that. The foundations of quality education are, clear understanding of the concepts and ability to use them in day to day situations.
Education Department of Telangana State has realized the power of ICT and taken steps to use it in improving the quality of education in the schools. It is also a known fact that, even very good teachers sometimes find it difficult to explain certain phenomena clearly. It is because language has its own limitations. If we can facilitate the child to see the phenomenon in its real conditions, he/she can understand it properly and apply the related concepts/principles in real life situations. It is with this vision, the school text books in Telangana State are “Energized” with QR codes. In each QR code one or more videos/ visuals are embedded, which will help the students understand the concepts clearly. The students can scan the QR codes with a
android phone/tablet and can view the content on the computer by using the code printed below the QR Code
and watch visuals embedded therein and enhance their understanding and also achieve the defined learning outcomes. The contents in QR codes are also useful for teachers to make their teaching more effective. Even parents can play their own role in helping the children in this process.
Students can directly obtain helpful text content by scanning QR code in Biological Science and Physical Science of 8th class English and Telugu media. Through this you can easily understand difficult topics.
Contribute to the initiative by helping teachers and students in downloading DIKSHA App and using the helpful content to achieve quality education.
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Empower teachers to create and curate content using ICT and make teaching learning process more vibrant and joyful for students.
- To make learning effective and realistic with the use of ICT.
- To bring ICT enabled learning material into the hands of the children through use of QR codes.
- To make learning an enjoyable activity for the children by making audio and video clipping available to them.
- To develop analytical thinking among the students while answering the questions
- To arouse and sustain the curiosity of the students in learning through interactive approach in evaluation.
- To facilitate the teachers to make their teaching more effective with the use of ICT enabled teaching learning material.