Start Observation


The Observation forms are designed to capture data for a certain entity (entity is the district, block, or school that is mapped to the user based on the role that is selected on the profile). Thus, entities can be selected for observation, followed by filling up a questionnaire to record all data for that entity. On selecting an observation, users are prompted to select an entity on the entity page.

Before you Begin

Who can access Observations? HTs and Officials, Teachers
What is needed? - Login as a Teacher or HT and Officials - Select entity/ add a new entity from the entity page


What will be the outcome? Observation is started

To start an observation

Image with instructions

Additional Notes

  • Observation questionnaire can be viewed before starting
  • More than one entity can be added for the same observation questionnaire

Starting Observation with Rubric

Observations with Rubric have Domains and questionnaires linked to each domain. Domains are the different areas of focus that the observation wants to record information about. Each domain has its observation questionnaire.

Before you Begin

Who can access Observations? HTs and Officials, Teachers
What is needed? - Login as a Teacher or HT and Officials - Select entity/ add a new entity from the entity page


What will be the outcome? Observation linked to a domain is started

Starting Observation with Rubric

To start observation with rubric

Multiple Submissions

Same observation can be filled and submitted multiple times for an entity (entity is the district, block, or school that is mapped to the user based on the role that is selected on the profile). All observation instances of an entity can be viewed on the same page.

Before you Begin

Who can access Observations? HTs and Officials, Teachers
What is needed? - Login as a Teacher or HT and Officials
- Select entity/ add a new entity from the entity page


What will be the outcome? An instance of observation is created

To view the reports

Image with instructions

Additional Notes

  • Observations can be downloaded, edited, or deleted.
  • If multiple observation instances are created for the same entity, then individual and consolidated observation reports of all observation instances will be generated.

What’s Next?