Course Consumption Report


Detailed reports are generated on-demand based on user requests. They are generated within 24 hours on receipt of the request. You can request for 3 kinds of detailed reports:

  • Course progress exhaust
  • User profile exhaust
  • Question set report

Course Progress Exhaust Report Format

The format of the course progress exhaust report has the following columns:

Column Label Description
Collection ID The course identifier
Collection Name The course title
Batch Id The course batch identifier
Batch Name The batch title
User UUID The unique user ID generated by the system to identify the user on DIKSHA
State The name of the State as declared by the self-signed up user. If State administrator has validated the user then this field contains the name of the State as passed by the State SSO system or derived from the school ID.
District The district name as declared by the self-signed up user. If State administrator has validated the user then this field contains the name of the State as passed by the State SSO system or derived from the school ID.
Org Name The name of the user’s organization. In case of self-signed up users, this field has the name of the DIKSHA custodian or the State name for validated State users.
School Id In case of validated State teacher, this column has the school ID mapped to the user. In case of self-declared users, this column has the school ID as declared by the user.
School Name In case of validated State teacher, this column has the school name mapped to the user. In case of self-declared users, this column has the organization or school name as declared by the user.
Block Name The block name mapped to the user’s organization or school ID. In case of self-declared users, the column remains blank
Declared Board The board selected by the user at the time of on-boarding.
Enrolment Date The date on which the user has enrolled for the course or collection. In case of nested courses or collections this column contains the enrolment date of the parent course or collection.
Completion Date The date on which the user completes the course or collection. In case of nested courses or collections this column contains the completion date of the parent course or collection.
Progress The course or collection progress percentage. In case of nested courses or collections this column contains the progress percentage of the parent course or collection.
Certificate Status This column contains the status for the certificate associated with the course or collection. Valid values for the column are Issued, if the certificate is issued, Blank - if it is not issued
Total Score The user’s total score (best attempt) across all course assessments within the course. For example, if there are 2 assessments in the course and the user has score 5/10 in first assessment and 2/5 in the next assessment, then their assessment percentage will be 7/15 = 47%
progress The user’s progress for nested modules within a course or collection. This is a dynamic column. For example, if there are 3 nested trackable modules within the parent course or collection then there are 3 corresponding columns. These columns are displayed only if there are nested courses.
Score The user’s best attempt for the given assessment ID. This is a dynamic column. For example, if there are 3 assessments within the parent collection there will be 3 corresponding columns

User profile exhaust report

The user profile exhaust report consists of the following columns:

Column Label Description
Collection Id The course identifier
Collection Name The course title
Batch Id The course batch identifier
Batch Name The batch title
User UUID The unique user ID generated by the system to identify the user on DIKSHA
User Name (On user consent) The name of the user. The user name is shared only if the user provides consent to share their details. This field will be blank for all self signed up users but will be populated for States that opt for SSO.
State The name of the State as declared by the self-signed up user. If State administrator has validated the user then this field contains the name of the State as passed by the State SSO system or derived from the school ID
District The district name as declared by the self-signed up user. If State administrator has validated the user then this field contains the name of the State as passed by the State SSO system or derived from the school ID
Org Name The name of the user’s organization. In case of self-signed up users, this field has the name of the DIKSHA custodian or the State name for validated State users
External ID (On user consent) The declared identifier of self-signed up users. For State validated users (SSO) this field contains their Teacher ID. It is shared only if the user provides consent to share PII details. This field will be blank for all self-signed up State users but will be populated for States who opt for SSO.
Mobile number (On user consent) The mobile number declared by the user. It is displayed only if the users have consented to share their details at the time of course enrolment. It will be blank for both SSU & SSO states
Email ID (On user consent) The email ID declared by the user. This email ID is displayed only if the users have consented to share their details at the time of course enrolment. This will be blank for both self-signed up State users and States who opt for SSO.
Consent Provided This column contains the status of whether the user has consented to share their profile details. Valid values are Yes and No.
Consent Provided Date This column displays the date on which the user has consented to share data.

Question set report

The question set report consists of the following columns:

Column Label Description
Collection Id The course identifier
Collection Name The course title
Batch Id The course batch identifier
Batch Name The batch title
User UUID The unique user ID generated by the system to identify the user on DIKSHA
QuestionSet Id The question set identifier
QuestionSet Title The title of the question set
Attempt ID The system generated attempt identifier. Users can attempt the same question set multiple times.
Attempted On The date on which the user last attempted the question set.
Question ID The question identifier.
Question Type The question type. Valid values are multiple choice questions, match the following, and fill in the blanks
Question Title The title of the question.
Question Description The description of the question.
Question Duration The time taken by the user to answer the question, in seconds.
Question Score The score received for the question.
Question Max Score The maximum applicable score for the question.
Question Options The options displayed to the user.
Question Response The responses provided by the user. All user responses for the question set are shared, except for registration.