Generate and Link QR Code


QR codes enhance the searchability and discoverability of the textbooks for learning any online textbook. A QR code consists of a QR image and a DIAL code (unique 6-digit alphanumeric). This is generated while creating the textbook. Once generated, it remains static, irrespective of the edits or rejections of a textbook while publishing, but the content can be dynamically updated. Each generated QR code is linked to a folder or sections in the Digital textbook. The same QR code is printed on the textbook and mapped one-on-one to the corresponding folder or section of the Digital textbook.

Before You Begin

Who creates the QR code? User with Book Creator role
What is needed? A textbook with its structure created on DIKSHA


What will be the outcome? QR codes get generated for the textbook that is linked to the textbook and its folder

Instructional Video

This video provides step by step instructions on how to generate, download and link the QR code for a digital textbook:

Video Download

Additional Notes

  • The QR code once generated cannot be edited
  • The codes can be generated incrementally as and when needed. One QR code for the entire digital textbook and the rest for other sections.

What’s Next?

Send the digital textbook for Review